Saturday, August 15, 2009

Apple Touch Tablet Leaked

Throw away everything you thought you knew about the truth. This is the one. We can't wait to stuff one awkwardly into the fake keyboard tray of our fake MacBook Micro and live life just how Apple rumor sites have always wanted us to live it. Granted, Nowhere Else has gotten some pretty great scoops in the past, so we won't rule anything out just now. The pic above lines up pretty well with all the rumors we've heard so far -- which sort of helps and sort of hinders its veracity in our eyes. Nowhere Else isn't calling it either way, if that helps you in your soul search for the truth. Another pic is after the break.

Update: Eagle-eyed tipster Terry points out that the "Welcome" graphic is an easy spot on Google Image Search, with that exact configuration and timing of converging letters from Leopard's intro video showing up in the very first result. Try it for yourself! Not a good sign, folks.

1 comment:

  1. looks cool but it seems mighty big and ackward but it might be amazing hopefully i get to mess with one in the future
